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Porn addiction: Signs, Causes, And Treatment

What to know about porn addiction?

Porn addiction refers to a person becoming emotionally dependent on pornography to the point that it interferes with their daily life, relationships, and ability to function.

Whether or not behavioral addictions, such as porn addiction, are actual addictions is highly debated in the psychiatric and treatment communities. While some of these addictions, like gambling addiction, are much more accepted than others, like sex addiction, there is still a great deal of controversy from medical professionals on where addictions end and compulsions begin. Regardless, there are people suffering. So, whether it is an addiction or compulsion, people should still need help. One of the most reported addictions is porn addiction. That is, people who feel a compulsion to watch porn and cannot stop. Like any addiction, though, there are signs that someone may be having a problem. If you are wondering whether excessive pornography use has reached an addiction level, it is important to watch out for the top 10 signs of porn addiction.

1. You Can’t Stop
You are unable to stop using or viewing pornography, despite trying to do so. If your partner can’t stop, you may notice that they are spending more and more time on the internet despite your attempts to communicate with them.

2. You Want More
People addicted to porn report that they do experience cravings to view more. Similar to how someone can be addicted to heroin, people who suffer from porn addiction will feel cravings if they have gone without it for any amount of time. If your partner is craving porn, you may notice them sneaking away from you to another room. It’s possible that they’ll make an excuse or get defensive when you question them about it.

3. You’ve Lost Time
People suffering from porn addiction can lose large periods of time to viewing porn, wasting most of the day without accomplishing anything. You could notice that someone addicted to porn is lethargic and not accomplishing much as of late. They might seem like they don’t care or are very uninterested in anything else.

4. You’ve Lost Interest in Sex
Growing Disconnect From Your Partner Is A Result Of Several Top 10 Signs Of Porn AddictionWhen someone becomes addicted to porn, they actually lose interest in real sex. Not only that, but they actually find their partner less attractive when compared to the people seen in porn. People who suffer from porn addiction may lose interest in the advances of their partner. This makes them seem distant or even uninterested when you try to engage with them sexually. They may require more stimulation than they needed before to become aroused.

5. You’re More Demanding
People suffering from porn addiction develop unrealistic ideas about sex. This can make them more demanding in the bedroom, easily frustrated, and alienate their partner. When this happens, their partner can feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable.

6. You’ve Lost Attraction
Porn addiction can give the afflicted unrealistic expectations of beauty for their partner. This can make their partner feel hurt about their appearance and create a greater problem for their self-esteem.

7. You’re in Physical Pain
Someone suffering from porn addiction can actually begin to experience physical pain. Be it from the physical movements involved when viewing porn, or the strain that comes with excessive computer use, people addicted to porn frequently complain about wrist, back, and neck pain and headaches.

8. You’re Losing Money
Some people who suffer from porn addiction start spending money for what they consider higher-quality content. When this happens, they can quickly begin falling into some kind of financial hardship. This appears as them complaining more about money problems, but unwilling to disclose the exact nature of these problems.

9. You’re Distracted
When people are addicted to porn, they can become distracted from different aspects of life. Their mind drifts to porn when they are with friends, family, or at work. It could actually impact their work and relationships. This makes them distant from their partner and their attempts to connect with them.

10. You’re Angry
Like any addiction, someone suffering from porn addiction will become easily irritable if they go without porn. They may have less patience in certain acts if they see them as delaying watching porn. This can also make it easier to lash out at their partner. They’ll be more irritable, agitated, or even erratic. Their partner could notice major changes in their personality and don’t feel that they are the same person they loved before.

What is addiction?

Pornography has always been with us, and it’s always been controversial.

Some people aren’t interested in it, and some are deeply offended by it. Others partake of it occasionally, and others on a regular basis.

It all boils down to personal preference and personal choice.

It’s important to note that “porn addiction” isn’t an official diagnosis recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). But experiencing an uncontrollable compulsion to view porn can be as problematic for some people as other behavioral addictions.

Since the existence of “porn addiction” is not recognized by the APA, no definitive diagnostic criteria guide mental health professionals in its diagnosis.

We’ll explore the difference between compulsion and addiction, and review how to:
recognize habits which may be considered problematic
reduce or eliminate unwanted behavior
know when to talk to a mental health professional

What causes it? 야동
It’s hard to say why viewing porn can sometimes escalate into an out-of-control behavior.

You may start looking at porn because you like it, and watching it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

You may enjoy the rush it gives you and find yourself wanting that rush more often.

By then, it may not matter that these viewing habits are causing a problem or that you feel bad about it later. It’s that in-the-moment high you can’t resist.

If you try to stop, you may find that you simply can’t do it. That’s how behavioral addictions sneak up on people.

If your porn viewing has become compulsive, is interfering with how you feel about yourself, and has impacted your ability to function in your relationships, at work, and other aspects of your day-to-day life, know that you can get help.

Even though the psychiatric community does not consider porn addiction to be a true addiction, it's important that you treat your compulsive consumption of porn as though it were an addiction.

SOURCE: Yaseol
SOURCE: pornography
SOURCE: erotic novel
SOURCE: Adult yaseol
SOURCE: Adult Night's
SOURCE: Free Night's


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