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What Porn Does Your Brain?

The effects of porn: what the research says

Pornography can shift sexual interests, behavior and relationships. It shapes “sexual scripts”, providing models of behavior and guiding sexual expectations, with studies finding links between watching pornography and heterosexual anal intercourse, unsafe sex and more.

Watching pornography can lower men’s relationship satisfaction. And for women, male partners’ pornography use can reduce intimacy, feed self-objectification and body shame, or involve coercion into sexual acts.

But these next areas of impact concern me most.

Pornography teaches sexist and sexually objectifying understandings of gender and sexuality. For instance, in a randomized experimental study among young men in Denmark, exposure to (nonviolent) pornography led to less egalitarian attitudes and higher levels of hostile sexism. And in a longitudinal study among US adolescents, increased use of pornography predicted more sexist attitudes for girls two years later.

Pornography also teaches violent attitudes and behaviors to both adolescents and adults.

Summary: From eroding the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain critical for impulse control, to damaging the dopamine reward system, researchers evaluate the impact of viewing pornography on the brain.

Source: 야설

Pornography has existed throughout recorded history, transforming with the introduction of each new medium. Hundreds of sexually explicit frescoes and sculptures were found in the Mount Vesuvius ruins of Pompeii.

Ethical porn and better education:

Adolescence is a period in one’s lifetime during which sexual maturation occurs. Major changes and increased sexual instinct raise many questions in the minds of adolescents. Receiving wrong education or inappropriate information can affect adolescents’ life and future deeply. Obviously, ethical considerations cannot be ignored in nationwide macro policies and educational programs on such a sensitive issue. In this qualitative study, we attempted to explore the ethical considerations and challenges of sex education for adolescents.

The study was conducted between May 2015 and March 2017. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 25 participants, and MAXQDA 11 was used for coding.

Six hundred sixty-two codes (662) were extracted and classified into four categories: 1) the potential risks of sex education for adolescents; 2) the advantages of sex education for adolescents, and the approaches; 3) the challenges in the interval between sexual maturation and marriage, and the role of religion; and 4) the measures implemented in Iran.

Shame, embarrassment, and some cultural beliefs surrounding the subject of sex education are obstacles to providing adolescents with the necessary information. According to the principles of medical ethics, the main principle in sex education is beneficence, and sometimes infringement of confidentiality has its advantages.


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