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What Is Intra Oral Massage?

Intra oral Massage is massage of the muscles and soft tissue structures in and around the mouth and jaw.  In the state of Washington, massage therapists' scope of practice does not include massage of any body orifices.  The one exception is the mouth, but additional training and certification (called the Intra oral Endorsement) is required.  Fortunately, I (Jesse) am fully certified for intra oral massage.

Having someone massage the inside of your mouth is probably not something that has crossed your mind.  I know I didn’t know about Intra-oral Massage until I began school for Massage Therapy.  So why am I talking about this? Well I have been talking more and more about this type of work with clients recently.  Many have been coming in with symptoms such as clicking/popping of the jaw, headaches (upon waking), ringing in the ears and/or lock jaw (both closed and open).  My first question is always “Do you clench or grind your teeth?” The response is usually ‘yes’.  I then begin to explain the benefits of Massage Therapy when focused around the muscles of mastication (muscles that help us to chew our food). I find that many are hesitant to embark on such a treatment. It seems out of the ‘norm’.  However, it is a very effective way to decrease symptoms of pain, joint clicking and increase range of motion and circulation to the muscle tissue. Many of my clients have seen tremendous results with this treatment.

Along with Massage Therapy treatments, other health care modalities can help in managing/resolving problems associated with this very common issue. Much of our jaw clenching/grinding issues can stem from;


Signs and Symptoms:

TMJ noise (clicking, popping, or grinding)

Headaches and migraines

Muscle spams in the head, jaw, neck and shoulder

Mandible deviations with movement

Postural dysfunctions, head forward posture

Limited opening

Earaches including congestion and pain

Swelling on the side of the face

Vertigo (dizziness)

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)

Nausea 야설

Clenching/bruxism (grinding)

Facial pain

Fatigued facial muscles

Tender, sensitive teeth

Difficulty chewing

Cervical (neck) pain

Postural problems

If either you have been diagnosed with TMD or have pain in the jaw, by the ears, forehead, back of the head, neck and shoulders you will benefit greatly. Many patients have been successfully treated for TMJ syndrome using Intra-Oral Massage Therapy, by using these specific massage techniques to the face, head, neck, jaw and oral cavity.

Causes of TMJ Dysfunction





Emotional trauma

Trigger points

Postural dysfunction



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