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Buccal Massage Facial Benefits

 Let’s admit it! Nothing relaxes our muscles and nerves like a soothing massage. Up until now, we only knew about facials that include massage as part of the treatment. A facial massage is pretty simple, and you can easily do it yourself—you massage your forehead, the eye area, cheeks, around the mouth, chin and neck in a gentle manner. There is no pulling or rubbing of the skin involved. It instantly helps relieve stress, lifts your mood and is an overall rejuvenating process.

But, you’ll be happy and surprised to know that we’ve discovered a new way of getting professional facial treatment. It’s called Buccal Massage! In fact, this facial massage technique is the secret behind glowing and sculpted skin of divas like Meghan Markle, Kate Moss and Jennifer Lopez. Now, who wouldn’t want skin like theirs?!

Benefits of  Buccal massage:

#01: Strengthens face muscles

Buccal massage works on a few select muscles, strengthening and relaxing them. Whether you have premature signs of ageing or puffiness, you’ll be happy to know that a Buccal massage can help de-puff as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

#02: Sculpts your face

Who wouldn’t want a naturally sculpted face? The good news is that a Buccal massage not only gives you a face lift but also perfectly sculpts your face. By massaging your muscles, you’re actually giving them a workout. When the muscles workout regularly, the skin regenerates and heals itself.

#03: Relaxes your face and jaw

Who doesn’t enjoy a facial massage? In normal facials, you get to indulge in a massage for hardly five to seven minutes. But, when you get a Buccal massage, the focus is just on massaging to relieve tension from your muscles. When your face and jaw muscles have zero blockages, it automatically looks more relaxed and lifted.

How It Works

“More and more people are realizing that having stiff muscles in your face can cause unhealthy blood flow and poor lymphatic circulation,” says Song. “This means our tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, thus resulting in inadequate detoxification in our system.” The result of that is often a dull complexion, puffiness, and drooping of the cheeks due to the weight of water retention. That’s where a Buccal massage comes in.

“The Buccal massage is one of the facial massage techniques that specifically targets the drooping of the jowls (the lower region of the chin), a universally known problem area,” Song says. She explains that while many try to tighten the area through topical means, like face creams and oils, it’s often ineffective. “It gets to the point that there are only a couple of methods that will actually meet your expectations,” she says. “One is through a medical procedure [like facial fillers], and the other option is through a Buccal massage. Which one would you rather try first?”

A Buccal massage looks a lot like a traditional lymphatic massage of the face, except it takes place inside the mouth, of course.

1. After an Aesthetician thoroughly cleanses and protects their hands (usually with medical-grade gloves), they’ll proceed to administer pressure starting from the crease of the nose, moving downwards to the chin.

2. They’ll then target the muscles that surround the mouth, the Orbicularis Oris, lightly tugging and massaging the lips.

3. Then they massage from the inside of the cheeks with a combination of the thumbs and index fingers, pulling the skin up and down and massaging in a circular motion.

4. From start to finish, a Buccal massage 야한동영상 generally takes around 30 minutes.

“Lymphatic massages and even just deep pressure along the inner skin can temporarily decrease puffiness and enhance the natural curvatures and bone structure of the face,” Nazarian says. “The practice of a massage in that region can improve blood circulation and can also stimulate repair pathways in the skin and promote younger-looking tissue.”

She says that by removing excess fluid that settles in the soft tissue, the natural bone structure of the face is highlighted, including the cheekbones. Song agrees, explaining that having optimal function of our facial muscles will bring more supple, chiseled, brighter, tighter skin with less redness. As a result, the facial features are more defined because the skin is receiving enough nutrients and oxygen, thus more optimal detoxification of the system (and less puffiness overall).



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